Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Kid. (Not the baby)

This is Garrett's "relaxed" position. Not kidding. He always sleeps in this position. He's most comfortable lookin' like a relaxin' rancher.

Garrett’s sure growin’ up lately. As previously stated back in June, Garrett’s developed his own way of doin’ things. He is quickly becoming his own person, with his own thoughts, opinions and voice. Oh Heaven help me.

When he wants something he comes over and grabs your hand, “hand, hand” he says as leads you to wherever he wants. He tried to do this to me the other day but I was busy so I asked him to wait. “Help” he says, and again I tell him to be patient. Garrett then rubs his open palm on his chest, something I taught him last year but he’s never actually done. He’s signing “please” and smiles so sweetly as he begs “please, please, mom”. So of course I follow him as he takes me by the hand to the kitchen. He’s pointing to a cabinet and then says for the first time “bo-o-wLL”. I hand him the smallest bowl in the set of stackable mixing bowls. We went through this process til every bowl in the cabinet was gone. I did not give them in any particular order but when I went to see what he wanted all the bowls for I was kind of surprised. He’d lined them up from largest to smallest, including the bowls that weren’t apart of the mixing bowl set. I thought that was neat! I took a look it at again later and within the bowls he’d placed toys. Smallest toys in the smallest bowls and the largest toys in the largest bowls. I was impressed. My one year old organizes. Now if only he’d do it when I want him to.

Daddy makes a face...

Garrett makes a face.

Garrett brushes his own teeth. Grabs his or Isaac’s diapers when I need him to and he’ll throw them away as well. He’s been known to put his clothes away too but that’s not consistent. He loves to sing along in the car or at church. He’s definitely a dancer! He loves to dance and has been “bopping” to the beat since he was around 6 months old. Garrett loves any kind of ball but a current favorite is a football. The real pigskin, not the baby version of a football. Which is suitable since he is a small man these days. He loves Disney’s Cars and is fanatical over anything with Lightning McQueen on it. His speech is ever improving and he’s constantly talking and by “talking” I mean telling me what to do. His favorite phrase is “No no!” to the tune of the ding-dong of a doorbell. He has a favorite blue blanket that is connected to him most of the day which he refers to as “Bin”. Garrett loves baths, running, Sesame Street, playing outside, cheese, watermelon, Bambi, nursery at church, books, candy, mac’n’cheese, Uncle Joe and has gotten pretty good at lovin’ on Isaac too.

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