Thursday, July 7, 2011


Brad and Dani's Excellent Adventures continue in Texas. Good ol Tehas. Where every person honestly believes that Obama is out to get them, racism abounds and Dixie Chicks are band. Texas...where every doughnut shop is owned by a Cambodian, Mexican food and dollar stores are more abundant than Starbucks and McDonald's than anywhere else in the nation and I've never seen so many Dairy Queens in all my life...combined. And Texas...where the Beloved East Coast Manna of Rita's has decided to franchise and the Little Couple from TLC decides to watch 4th of July fireworks.
No, I'm not joking about anything I just said. I've never met so many racists or heard so many racist remarks. Sad, huh? And Texans really do think Obama has a conspiracy to destroy them. The funny part is that after every remark I hear about Obama it's followed by some comment about Texas leaving the United States to become their own country. How they could and would do it because Texas does not need the US, but the US needs Texas. I can't help but laugh at this Texas pride and paranoia. Oh! And yes, Rita's Water Ice ( pronounced Wuder Ice), the legendary east coast treat has franchised to parts of Texas! We came across one in Galveston! While in Galveston we also saw TLC's The Little Couple on the beach! ( They are really tan! I wonder if they fake'n'bake?) We spent the Fourth of July on Galveston's West Beach and Garrett really enjoyed it. I'll post some pictures now to compensate for the lack of videos. I've been trying to post those for 2 days now but for some reason blogger says it can't.


Alissa said...

DQ is the official rest stop of Texas.
Also, you guys are super cute.

Kacey said...

What?? You get Rita's?? That's it I'm comin to visit! Haha I sure miss you guys!

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