Monday, September 20, 2010

The No Longer Priceless Family Trip

Brad, Garrett and I met Brad's family up in Coeur d'alene, Idaho to visit Brad's Grandparents -- that's a lot of Price's! We had Gpa Ted and Gma Tracy with their kids: Uncles Ben and Josh and Aunt Jennah, then Great Grandparents Ralph and Dorina. It was great to be with family and in such a gorgeous place!

We went to Coeur d'alene Beach and had fun watching....more like making, Garrett squish his toes in the sand and play in the water. (You'll see his love of water through this blog. It's not very much.)

I really enjoyed seeing where Brad spent his early childhood years. This is one of the most beautiful parts of the country I've been too. I think Brad really enjoyed it too. He took us to his old house, neighborhood, schools and the hang outs of his youth. The beach above is actually at a park. The beach was perfect and the park was really neat too. It was very lush and beautiful. Trees just don't seem to get that huge over here in Colorado...our dinky aspens don't compare. Brad's dad helped, with members of the community, to actually build that playground. It was neat! Those who volunteered had their names engraved on a wooden slate that was apart of the playground. Brad, Garrett and I walked all over to find the one that represented the Price Family: Aleah Lynn Price, as it is labeled in honor of a beloved sister. Brad really enjoyed sharing this part of himself with me I think. A little trip to past to share it with someone you love can be healing.

Grandma Tracy and Garrett. I think Garrett is happier here than in the pictures below because he's with Grandma Tracy and Dry. Come to think of it I bet Grandma Tracy is happiest when she's with Garrett and dry too ;o) Garrett didn't seem to appreciate the water.

Garrett and Aunt Jennah were attached at the hip majority of the time. Jennah was such a big help with him and I think she even enjoyed it. Jennah and Garrett played in the water for the first time and Garrett didn't quite know what to think. We only got his feet wet but I think that was enough for him. He may not be a water baby like his daddy but rather a mountain lover like his mom.

These GREAT grandparents really are great! It was mine and Garrett's first time meeting them and it was sure a treat! We had so much fun with them! Great Grandma Price is such an incredibly bubbly person. She is one who just over flows with joy and love! Oh and she LOVES to laugh! Great Grandpa I'm sure will have a blast teaching Garrett how to hook a pike some day- in fact I bet they do it before Uncle Ben can. ;o) Great Grandpa has a great love for fishing and it seems to be contagious to all the grandkids; Garrett will be no exception. Ralph and Dorina are so fun and have great senses of humor- which they said was the key to having been married for so long.

Garrett looks so happy! (I think he knew we were on our way out the door to the airport) We've got four generations in this picture! Ralph and Dorina are Ted's parents and Ted and Tracy are Brad's parents, then Brad and Garrett. These are two sets of wonderful grandparents! We so enjoyed our time with these guys and we felt so loved while we were with them. This is a group of people who truly know how to serve others and love their family. We're so blessed to have people like them in our lives. We hope we get to see these guys some time soon!

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